

AMG STA power amplifier by NuPrime
AMG STA power amplifier by NuPrime back panel
AMG STA power amplifier by NuPrime inside

This is a distillation of all NuPrime’s and NuForce’s best work in amplifier design. An amazingly transparent and liquid sounding, bridgeable (either a single stereo 130 watt or a pair of 300 watt mono power amplifiers), stereo power amplifier that will both relax and thrill you with masses of previously unheard detail, a warm tonality and what is quite probably the best value/performance ratio of any amplifier on the market today.

All the details are here.

Putting words to this is difficult as the AMG takes us into uncharted territory. Balance and poise are my best descriptors so far.

When we try to describe sound, it can be quite a few different qualities – sound-staging, bass, treble, detail, immediacy and many others. What the AMG achieves, is to find what I’d describe as a natural and organic balance between all of these qualities. Everything is in proportion and no particular part shouts ‘look at me’. Which takes a while to fully appreciate but you find yourself continually drawn in. The poise comes from it’s even handed approach to every genre but also the accuracy with which the STA delivers.