
KLEI Speaker Jumper Cables

KLEI QFLOW7 Speaker Binding Post Jumpers from Totally Wired

New KLEI QFLOW4 Speaker Binding Post Jumpers

Most speakers now feature two sets of terminals to allow bi-wiring (or bi-amping). And there is no doubt that two sets of cables sound better than one. But bi-wiring does cost twice as much to do - and there is some debate as to whether this is in fact the best option when compared with a better quality cable for around the same end price.

We also know that almost all speakers with bi-wireable terminals come with ‘jumper’ bars or cables to connect the two sets together for single speaker cable use, and that this connection can be far from ideal.

The new KLEI QFLOW4 Speaker Binding Post Jumpers solve 3 critical issues at once:

  1. The cable used – Keith’s new Q4Flow series speaker cable is astonishingly good – this dramatically improves transmission of the musical signal between the two sets of terminals. The nature of the cables used – differing for positive and negative, means that the recommended connection may be not what you’d expect. 
  2. The plugs used – the new KLEI Classic Harmony Banana make this connection set up possible AND contribute greatly to the sound quality. 
  3. By greatly improving the performance of the speaker, the benefits of a higher quality single speaker cable run over bi-wiring are magnified – the longer the cable run, the greater the cost benefit ratio.

In 30 years I’ve sold countless pairs of speakers with bi-wire terminals, kilometres of speaker cable and and endless banana plugs of every breed – suddenly we have a single product which will lift the performance of every one of these systems. And that means yours. Read more on KLEI cables.